Wednesday, July 19, 2006


We made it back from our vacation to Kentucky yesterday afternoon about 4:00. Boy it sure is hot here in Oklahoma. After I got the car unloaded and everything put away I took a look at the outdoor thermometer and it was reading 110.5. I have the sensor set at 6' off the ground in the shade to try and get an accurate reading. Needless to say I didn't do much more than take a look at the RV project.

Today I got up about 7:00 and had breakfast. I left the house about 7:50 and drove out to the airport. It was time for a flying fix so I pulled out the C150 and managed to put in an hour just tooling around the local area. When I got back to the hangar I pulled the cowling off and changed the oil in the airplane. I've had real good luck with this engine since the overhaul and I think the 25 hour oil changes help. I made it back home a little after 11:00 and then got caught up in a few chores around the house.

I finally got out in the garage about 2:30 and got busy with the project. I had managed to crack the HS-404 rib when I was fluting so I had ordered a new one from Van's. So I spent a while trimming it to the appropriate shape and size and then retraced my steps in marking the holes and fluting. I was a bit more careful this time and didn't have any mishaps. Once I got it back in place I had to final drill all the remaining holes in the skin. Now I know of the monotony I've heard other builders talking about in in the drilling and moving and reclecoing. I finally got that done and then removed the skin and drilled the last holes in the 710 and 714. Did I mention that it was 109.6 on my outdoor thermometer today. That fan I've got blowing in the garage moves some air, but it's still pretty uncomfortable. Anyway, that's where I decided to leave it for today. Tomorrow I plan to get started on the right side of the Horizontal Stabilizer.

3 hours