
I spent the afternoon continuing to work on the Left Elevator. I had finished up with the deburring of the parts yesterday, so the first thing I did today was to dimple the parts that had been deburred. The next step was to put together the Electric Trim motor and mounting hardware. The plans are pretty clear but it's still somewhat confusing since the kit was originally designed with a manual trim. I was able to go on the Internet and look through some web sites that other builders have used as their builders log and looked at how they did this step. I spent quite a bit of time on this process but am satisfied with the results. When I got it all put together I used a 9 Volt battery to test it and was thrilled to see it working as it is supposed to. I ran it all the way out and then all the way back in so I feel it has full travel for trim adjustments.
4 Hours
Total hours on project = 146
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