
Another hitch in Africa has been completed and I made it back home in time for Christmas. I arrived on the 21st of December and my son Jim picked me up at the airport and took us home to Weatherford. I had a good celebration with all the kids. In addition to Jim, Jessica and her boyfriend Waylan were at the house and then on Christmas day Jake and April came to stay with us for a couple of days. So it was a good time of holiday celebration with all the family.
Today I decided to get back on the RV project and got out in the garage to figure out where I had stopped when I went back to work last month. I had been working on the right elevator and I finally figured it out that I was at the point to bevel the inboard and aft edges of E-713 where it overlaps that spar and rib flanges. This is to provide for a smooth transition between the counterbalance skin and the elevator skin, but it just doesn't look like it would make much of a difference. But it was easy to do so I did it to stick with the plans.
After I got that done I was able to deburr , and dimple, and selectively prime all the parts for the right elevator. Even Donna was in the building spirit and helped with some of the dimpling today.
3 Hours
Total hours on project = 131
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