Friday, September 22, 2006


Since I got all the holes deburred yesterday I used my time today to dimple the skin, spar, and ribs. Once I got those holes done the instructions said to drill and dimple the aft three holes in the upper edge of the left and right R-901 skins to a #30 size. You're supposed to go ahead and do that step now since it would be nearly impossible to do later because the rudder is so narrow at that location. So that was pretty quick and easy to get done.

The next step was to drill the E-614-020 counterweight to the R-912 rib. There was a forward tooling hole in the R-912 rib that matched with the counterweight and I was able to use the aft hole in the counterweight as a guide. With the holes drilled I removed the counterweight and did a machine countersink of the holes for a #10 countersink screw. After that I deburred the holes in the R-912 rib and dimpled them for a #10 countersink screw.

The last thing I did on the project today was to machine countersink the holes on both sides of the R-916 rudder trailing edge. As the rivets in this piece will be double flush both sides had to be countersunk.

3 Hours

Total hours on project = 96