Saturday, September 15, 2012


     I've been neglecting my updates to the Builder's Log, so I'm going to bring everything up to date with this Post. I've not taken any pictures of my progress so far as there's not much to look at in the fabrication and assembly since my last update.
     I've fabricated the F-704M Web Stiffeners and drilled them to the F-704A Bulkhead. After that I riveted the Cover Support Ribs and Web Stiffeners to F-704A. In the next step I made the F-904J Center Section Spacers from the rigid aluminum tube that was provided in the kit. Then I made some spacer blocks from wood to hold the halves of the center bulkhead assemblies to the correct distance apart. I drilled holes to allow the bolts to run through the spacers, and bolted the two center bulkheads together for the trial fit. Everything fit together correctly so I removed the bolts and stored everything for it's later use.
     The next setp was to start the assembly of the F-705 Bulkhead. It took a while to gather all the parts together and get them close to hand. I like to have everything needed close by so when I start work I'm not taking a lot of time hunting for the correct parts to use. The detail for this work are shown on DWG 20 so I put it on the wall above the workbench for handy reference.
     My first step was to make a lengthwise centerline on the rear face of the bar. then I clamped the F-705B, the F-605C Bar Doublers and the F-705H Spacers to the F-704A Rear Spar Attach bulkhead. then I drilled the assembly by using the prepunched holes in the F-705A as a guide and clecoed it together. I had to fabricate and trim the F-605C Bar Doublers and the F-705H Spacers and that took the most time in this step.
Time: 12 hours
Fuselage: 60 hours
Wings: 148 hours
Empennage: 195 hours
Total hours on project: 404 hours