Tuesday, December 13, 2011


The fuselage kit arrived via motor freight on December 2nd. I got a couple of friends to help me unload the box (301 lbs) and put it in the hangar. for the next few days I went through all the parts and did a complete inventory. I couldn't find the packing list so I had to call Van's and got them to e-mail a copy to me. As I was going through the different parts and pieces I pulled the two skins out of the bottom of the box and found the packing list taped to the underside of the bottom most skin in the box. I finally got through all the parts and am satisfied that I have everything that's supposed to be with the kit.

Fuselage: 6 hrs

Wings: 148 Hrs

Empennage: 195 hrs

Total time on project: 349 hrs