
Today I fine tuned the alignment of the aileron to the left wing. I connected the W-716 and W-818 pushrods to the bellcrank. Using the W-730 bellcrank jig I was able to set the bellcrank in the correct neutral position. Then I used the alignment tool that I made from a board with holes to accept AN-3 bolts so I could put them in the machine holes in the outboard wing rib for the alignment. With lines drawn on the board tangent to the two holes that I drilled I was able to find the correct alignment for the trailing edge of the aileron. I adjusted the rod end bearings on the W-818 push rod to get the perfect fit for the pivot bolts. With everything in place I tightened the jam nuts to keep the rod end bearings in the proper set position.
2 Hours
Wings - 106 hrs
Empennage - 195 hrs
Total hours on project = 301
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