Saturday, June 29, 2013


Today I built the F-712 Bulkhead. This is another one of those double bulkheads where the F-712A is the front and the F-712B is the rear. This was pretty simple to put together and rivet. The difference was that this one used flush rivets and the flush side is on the rear as the aft surface has to be smooth so the vertical stabilizer spar will fit.
today: 1 hr
Fuselage: 96 hrs
Wings: 148 hrs
Empennage: 195 hrs
Total time on project: 440 hrs.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Today I got started on the F-711Bulkhead. This is a double bulkhead with F-711A as the front half and F-711B as the back half. I had to fabricate the F-711C bars as they will attach to the horizontal stabilizer. I got those done and then Cleco'd the two halves together and clamped the bars in position and drilled holes using the pre-punched holes. Then I had to trim a bit out to allow the elevator pushrod to pass through. After that I did the usual preparation so I could rivet the bars and bulkheads together to form the finished F-711 Bulkhead.
Today: 4 hrs
Fuselage: 95 hrs
Wings: 148 hrs
Empennage: 195 hrs
Total time on project: 439 hrs

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Spent some more time in the hangar working on the fuselage today. I had some easy work today putting the F-707 and F-708 bulkheads together. They were just two pieces that needed to be fitted, drilled to final size, deburred and then riveted together. When I got that done I drilled out the holes and mounted the bushings for the rudder cables, wiring and even the static tube routing.
Today: 2 hrs
Fuselage: 92 hrs
Wings: 148 hrs
Empannage: 195 hrs
Total hours on the project: 435 hrs

Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Today I was able to begin the assembly of the bulkhead by drilling the F-730 plate, F-728, F-729C and F-729  rib to the F-706B bulkhead bottom. I disassembled and deburred and then riveted the assembly together as per the Detail A as shown in Drawing 26. When I finished with that I fit and riveted the F-706A-L&R bulkhead halves to the F-706B bulkhead bottom. I left the top joined with clecos. I drilled and cleco'ed the F-728 channel to the pre-punched location hole on the top of the F-706A bulkhead.
Today: 3 hrs
Fuselage: 89 hrs
Wings: 148 hrs
Empennage: 195 hrs
Total time on project: 433 hrs.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Spent some more time on the fuselage today. I drilled and riveted the F-729A bellcrank rib and F-729B angle together. The instructions made special comment about being sure to drill the 1/4" hole for the bellcrank pivot bolt, so I guess it's easy to miss that. Then I drilled the F-728A Bellcrank Channel to the F-728B angle, but the instructions said not to rivet them together yet. Once again they reminded reminded me to drill the 1/4" hole for the bellcrank pivot bolt.
Today: 3 hrs
Fuselage: 86 hrs
Wings: 148 hrs
Empennage: 195 hrs
Total time on project: 430 hrs

Friday, June 21, 2013


Today I was able to bolt the seat belt anchors and the F-705H spacer to the lower bulkhead. With that finished I moved on and started on teh F-706 bulkhead. The first step here was to use the unibit to enlarge the rudder cable holes. I did that and then moved on to making the F-729C angle that was shown on drawing DWG 26.
Today: 3 hrs
Fuselage 83 hrs
Wings 148 hrs
Empennage 195  hrs
Total time on project: 427 hrs.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Got busy today and did the final preparation on the F-705 bulkhead assembly. I had to cover up a few of the holes as these will be riveted later along with some other pieces. Once I had that figured out I went ahead and riveted the bulkhead together. Once I had that done the next step was to fit and drill the F-661EF flap actuator bearing blocks. this required a careful measurement and the use of a drill press to drill through about 2 1/2 inches with perfect alignment. I took my time and three out of the fuor holes went well, the other one wallered out a little, but when I fit it back on the bulkhead assembly it seemed to be alright. Since these parts will interfere with teh skin riveting I had to take them back off and stored them in my parts cabinet.
Fuselage: 80 hrs
Wings: 148 hrs
Empennage: 195 hrs
total time on project: 424 hrs.